Peace is the coexistence of harmony and togetherness within a particular society. Currently, most people in the world live in places where peace is a fairy story. Peace is the most vital factor for development in any nation.

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Youths play a very important in peacekeeping. Here are the most significant ways youths cam enhance peace in the society:

Development of trust among youths and the government. This can be done through the provision of capabilities and job opportunities to youths in national and local governments. The government should also take into accounts the views of youths in the policymaking process.

Educating youths with knowledge and skills in peace-building. This can be enabled by providing youths with resources they need to be more effective in making a positive change in the society through social networking.

Giving them freedom of expressing their opinions. They should not just express their views, but also listen to them, take into account and acknowledge them rather than seeing them as violence perpetrators.

Support intergenerational discussions and conferences, this means youths should not be side listed in peacebuilding, but also engage parents and elders in peacemaking processes. Adults view youth initiatives as intimidation of their power which may mess the attitude of youths. Intergenerational discussions can change this perspective of elders.