A break up is often one of the most painful experiences in love life. It might lead to stress and depression as well as the loss of interest to date again. Some of those who break up end blocking their exes out of their social media pages.

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You could realize that with your ex as you work out to reach them either because you are still attracted to them or you wish to apologize for what might have led to the break-up but they are inaccessible. This could result especially when they were hoping to maintain the relationship until you settle down together but it failed.

Your ex might block you if they want to move on to finding a new lover as well as considering you more of their past. This is quite understandable if they are hurt by receiving messages from you which they are not comfortable with. Respect your boundaries and move on because much drama about getting them back might pose the question about your mental health.

xWhen that happens you might feel at the verge of taking action but it is best when you keep quiet about it. It is just better to move on rather than seeing their posts and photos that make you tied to the past you shared which will awaken the bitterness and you feel unworthy of falling in love once more. 

In addition, once you notice your ex has blocked you in all their social media pages, it is more healthy to keep off them instead of waiting to see the posts they will be putting forward once they move on with someone else.