Popular actor and Radio Citizen Comedian Davis Mwabili famously known as Inspekta Mwala has bowed to pressure and apologised after a recent incident in Studio where he tried to forcefully kiss co-host Melody Sinzore.
"Are you my wife or not? Huyu msichana ananizoea (This girl is getting used to me). You're taking this joke too far," Mwala said as he forcefully tried to kiss the hapless Sinzore.
Jerida Andayi was forced to intervene as he pushed the Inspekta away. In a video shared by the Station, Mwala has now apologised to Melody and Radio Citizen listeners. “Pole, sitarudia tena (sorry I will not repeat again),” said Mwala.
“Actually, mimi nakuheshimu na kuku-appreciate kama mfanyikazi mwenza kama gwiji ambaye amekuwepo kwa industry kwa mda mrefu so tutadumisha tu heshima na tutadumisha amani," he said.
(Actually I respect and appreciate you as a colleague and a veteran in this industry so we will maintain respect and propagate peace)
Mwala’s apology may now end debate as to whether the kissing drama was stage managed or not. Earlier this year, Milele FM Presenters Kaka Zema and Diana (Presenter 001) were involved in a scuffle live on air.
It later turned out that it was stage managed.