At just 16 years, she started feeling the struggle of being a teen mom. This never stopped her.

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"I was able to dust myself and focus on the future," says Fridah Wendo.

The 33-year-old is the director at the Fridah Wendo Foundation in Machakos County.

According to Wendo, teenage mothers deserve a second chance to overcome their wrongs and make something out of their lives.

Fridah almost committed suicide due to stigma from her mother and the society due to her condition. 

In order to fend for herself and her child, she was forced to do menial jobs but would later graduate with a degree in communication from Strathmore University.

"I know how it feels,I was forced to drop out of school in form two due to pregnancy. I was chased away by my mother but I was able to complete my education. The experience made me feel the urge to tell the story of young girls who are forced to cut short their education due to pregnancy," said Wendo.

"Apart from material support teen moms also need advise, someone to talk to believe it or not many are very suicidal," she added 

Wendo began her foundation in 2018 but was able to register it as a non-governmental organisation early this year.

Armed with the little funds and support from well-wishers, local leaders and other organisations, Fridah has been able to ensure over 50 bright students from poor backgrounds are in class without having to pay school fees.

What's more, her organisation has been able to hold successful mentorship programmes to teenage moms, teachers, students and parents across the county on matters to do with drug abuse, sex-education and discipline.

"Our efforts are paying off, several kids who are in high school can now access education not to mention one lady who had gotten pregnant and married is now a candidate waiting for her final exam," she said.

Faith Mbithe, a form two student at Kwatombe secondary school waxed lyrical how the foundation stepped in after her father got ill and she was forced to stay home for lack of fees.

"My grandmother had no money and my father was admitted, I was going through a lot of stress because I was lagging behind in my studies but Fridah Wendo foundation came through and I was able to go back to school," said Mbithe.

Her grandmother Consolata Mutisya explained how Wendo listened to her plight and paid her granddaughter's school fee without much ado.

"I heard about the foundation while I was in Chama,I immediately got Wendo's contacts called and told her my problem. To my surprise, she responded almost immediately my granddaughter is now in school," said the teary granny.

Although the organisation is picking up, Wendo said there are still challenges among them financial constraints, over-expectation, politicization of the organisation and a lot of needy kids without anyone to help.

"I have cases where people don't believe we can't accommodate everyone,we are starting and not yet on our feet when we turn away people they think ill of us. Most people think because it's called an NGO there is money for everyone," she observed.

She goes on to explain how she has managed to get funding or her organisation stating that it hasn't been a walk in the park.

"I talk to people about our organisation many listen and just a few help but we don't worry, individuals who have seen what we do have been kind enough to offer assistance where they can," she said.

She disclosed that currently, she is rolling out a campaign meant to offer mentorship to teenage moms across the county.
