Renowned rapper Khaligraph Jones has assured King Kaka of his support amid controversy, stirred by the latter's newly released 'Wajinga Nyinyi' spoken word piece.

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Writing on his Instagram page on Tuesday night, he said King Kaka has the support of a number of players in the civil society, joking that what remained was security, which he is ready to provide for free.

"My friend, I see you have garnered support from lawyers, human rights activists, key board warriors, politicians etc. What remains is just security. I am in the gym. I will provide security for you 24 hours for the next 2 weeks for free. Just let me know when you need me for that. (Gathee naona ushapata support kutoka kwa lawyers, human rights activists, key board warriors, Politicians etc. Imebaki tu security. Sai niko gym. Ntakuchunga for 24 hours for the next 2 weeks for free. Just let me know when you need me for that )," Khaligraph Jones wrote.

Khaligraph's intervention comes amid a firestorm of opinions on social media, over the hard-hitting song, with King Kaka, born Kennedy Ombima, claiming his life is in danger.

In the spoken word piece, King Kaka calls out Kenyans for electing leaders who do not have the interest of the country at heart.

Kirinyaga county boss Anne Waiguru, called out the rapper and lyricist for propagating unsubstantiated allegations about her, claiming the allegations were driven by malice.

She charged that the hugely controversial song was not backed by well-researched facts.

A number of top lawyers including; Ahmednasir Abdullahi and Ekuru Aukot, have offered to provide legal representation for King Kaka should he be sued for defamation.