When comparing boyfriends, not all of them are good. Some of them are respectful to their women, while others are disrespectful. If your boyfriend is among the disrespectful ones, here are ways on how to deal with him.
1. Share your feelings
To solve things in a relationship, both partners should always be ready to share what they feel in every situation. If you feel he is treating you disrespectful, don’t be afraid of sharing how you feel about it. Let him know that the way he is treating you isn’t right and he needs to change.
2. Work together
When your guy is disrespectful, this can be a behavior that he has grown up with. Hence, it is something that he cannot change with a blink of an eye. Under this situation, you’ll need to work together as a partner’s to solve his problem. Show him that you are ready to support his work through the problem of being disrespectful and be sure that he can change.
3. Go to therapy
Going for a therapy session can be another way of helping him stop his act of being disrespectful. Encourage him to attend for therapy sessions where he can open up why he acts that way, and how he can be helped.