Cats are kept as pets in many homes because of their friendliness and their important task of keeping rats and other creatures like snakes away.
They are playful but you should watch out while playing with it since its mood changes rapidly from happy to angry. A rough play will definitely land you in trouble.
For many Kenyans, this is not a typical thing one would do when they have pets but some do care.
How will you know that your cat is angry? Here are four signs that will make you know that your cat is ready to strike.
1. Eye signals.
Interpreting cat's eyes can be a challenging task since it is influenced by environmental factors like light but you should be on the lookout when the eyes of your cat are constricted or dilated because it is an indication that it feels some danger.
2. Tail swings.
Unlike dogs that swing their tail as a sign of happiness, cats do not swing their tail much. A cat that is swinging or slapping its tail quickly might be a sign that it is agitated.
3. Body Language.
A cat with a raised or arched back and the ears flat against their head is an agitated cat.
4. Vocalizations.
An angry cat spits, yowls, growls and moans loudly. This is a direct sign that your Kitty is distressed and ready to attack.