A section of Yamumbi residents Yamumbi Kapseret Constituency now National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) to close the Jijenge Quarry.

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They said the quarry was put up without public participation yet it's dangerous and harmful to their health. 

“As residents of Yamumbi living near the Jijenge quarry, we want NEMA to close the quarry with immediate effect since it did not follow the right procedure. How can you put a quarry near people houses,” Joseph Chege said.

They reiterated that their children and animals are now in danger since they inhale dust produced by the quarry and can be hit by a stone.

They spoke to the press at Yamumbi on Tuesday.

“My son who is one year after hearing the sound produced by the quarry while extracting stones fainted. This quarry has more harm than good and should be taken away from people,” added Francis Waweru Yamumbi.

They said their efforts to write to NEMA have been futile since their letters remained unanswered.

Area MCA Francis Muya noted that the resident was not involved before the quarry was put which is against the law.

Muya said the quarry has many side effects which include death, being deaf and other diseases that may be caused by dust.

“My stand is that I would want to stay with my parents for as long as possible but putting a quarry in their midst is reducing their lifestyle,” said the Langas MCA.

Our efforts to talk to NEMA were futile.
