Nairobi Women Representative Esther Passaris has weighed in on Embakasi's member of parliament accusation of seeing her fall out of politics in 2022, by saying that she is not afraid.
In a tweet on Saturday, Embakasi MP told Passaris that she has not helped Nairobi women in any way and she is going to fall out of politics because of it.
"You must work for those women Passaris otherwise as it stands you are on your way home coz you have done nothing to Nairobi women," Babu Owino wrote
In reply, Passaris told Babu Owino that home is always the best and if it's God's will to not go through with politics come 2022, then let it be.
"Let God steer my voters in 17 constituencies to decide in 2022 according to the Lords Plan and Purpose in my life. As for going home. I fear not. East, west Homes best. I had a life before politics and I will have a life after politics. Ps. Don't be a sore loser." Passaris wrote
The two leaders have engaged each other in a messaging each other in Twitter after Babu Owino told MP Alice Wahome that she is going to shave her if she continues with her act of disrespecting President Uhuru Kenyatta and ODM party leader Raila Odinga.