How you present yourself during an interview is what drives your interviewer to recruit you into the company. 

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The secret to passing an interview lies with how you present yourself. 

Below are five interview tips no one tells you about.

1. The first few minutes and the last few minutes are the most important

First impressions are everything. Walk into the interview room looking smart, confident and smiling. Your first impression will determine what your interviewer will take you for. Being jovial and happy can also make them dump their morning moods. For the last few minutes, give them a handshake and maybe ask for their business cards and thank them before walking out of the room.

2. Do not give one-word answers

Interviewers don't like one-word answers like yes or no. In most cases such answers are said to be offensive to an employer. They can take it to mean that you are not interested in the job. Back up your yes or no with substantial words to make them see deep meaning in your responses. 

3. Believe in yourself, see yourself as the best

All it takes to pass an interview is confidence and determination. Obviously, there is competition but you don't need to fear that anymore. Have a mindset of 'I can make it' and you will surely ace it. Being invited for an interview is a clear sign that you are just a step behind the finish line. Prove to the interviewer that you indeed qualify for the job and make your last step to the finish line.

4. Put your personality first

Your personality is far much important than your papers. Be positive, respond accordingly to the questions asked, show passion in the job you intend to be given. Having a good personality will make you floor your fellow interviewees who have great papers but dull personalities. Let your personality back up your CV.

5. Be honest

Honesty is a very important life virtue. Being honest does not only improve your chances of landing the job but also keeps you free and secure. You may not get the job if you don't have the required experience but again you won't get the job if you are caught providing false information.