There are many things that will define a good relationship. Technology, especially mobile phones have taken a greater part in people’s lives. The way couples are using mobile phones in their relationship determines many things about this relationship. However, if you want your relationship to be strong and healthy, consider these simple mobile phone etiquettes:

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Save your partner with special namesYour partner is not just any normal person in your life. Therefore, you should make him/her look special for you by that name you save them in your phone. Use special names like sweetheart, babe, honey or that name they love you call them.

Don’t use passwords on your phoneIf you have a partner, then you should never have anything hidden between you two. This starts with the passwords you put on your phone. If you must put a password, let them know which password you are using on your phone. This creates trusts between you two given there will be nothing you are hiding on your phone.

Take pictures and videos with your spouseMemories are meant to last in your relationship. You will keep great memories with your partner with taking pictures and videos together. Such simple things will strengthen your relationship and make the two of you happy together.

Don’t use phones during special timesThere are many things that destroy the mood during happy moments with your partner. Look, always remember to put away your phone when with your partner in some of these special moments. This will help you two to stay connected at that moment.

Flirt with your partner on phoneThe love between you two should always be ignited. You will do this through many things especially through flirting on phones. You will miss your partner more when you flirt through the phone. Tell them how important she means in your life and why you will always keep them by your side.