The human brain is among the most important organs in the body. It is one of the organs you cannot do without it. However, there are some weird facts you didn’t know about the brain. To help it carry out it’s, the brain has every connection within the body.
Here are five weird facts you didn’t know about the brain:
1. The average adult human brain weighs three pounds. The highest percentage of these pounds comes from water, being 75% of the brain while the remaining 25% is made of texture like firm jelly.
2. The more you think the more your brain uses oxygen. The brain is provided with blood from the heart through the arteries which carry 20 – 25 percent of the body blood to the brain. The harder someone thinks, the brain will use more oxygen.
3. The average number of thoughts a person has each day is 70, 000. No matter how many thoughts you had throughout the day. They will all be less than 70, 000 on a day.
4. Connections are created every time you recall a new memory. A human brain has several connections which are created every time you have a new thought.
5. Your brain has 100, 000 miles of blood vessels. This is even longer than the distance around the world from the equator.