There are many things people do that risk their health yet they don’t know. For instance, sitting down for too long is not just boring and tiresome, but it is not good for your health too. The human body is designed in such a way that it has to stand upright and make certain movements for its well-being. Less sitting and lying down you do the better for your health. Here are crucial health problems associated with sitting down for too long:

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Poor digestion

Sitting down for long after a heavy meal is bad for your digestion. Sitting down will compress the contents of your stomach which will slow down digestion. This will lead to stomach disorders including bloating, cramping, constipation and even heartburn.

Brain damage

Sitting down for too long inhibits blood circulation in your body. This makes vital organs in your body like the brain dormant. The brain’s functions lag and slow down due to less oxygen and blood. This will affect mood-enhancing chemicals and your body functions. The brain will struggle with the little blood and oxygen which might cause it to damage.

Gain weight

It’s easy to become obese by sitting down for long hours. Sitting down for long hours especially after a heavy meal inhibits your body from burning calories, and also inhibits your body from fully digesting all your food. This makes a lot of fats and sugars to be stored in your body as fat, thus you become obese without noticing.

Organ damage

As mentioned above, sitting down inhibits the proper circulation of blood in the body and also makes the muscles inactive thus burn fewer fats. More fats are stored in the body, some which clog on vital organs like the heart inhibiting its proper functioning. This will strain the heart which might make it to fail in performing its function.

Cancer risk

Sitting down for long makes your body unresponsive. This will make the pancreas to produce more insulin. Increased production of insulin in your body leads to increased cell growth which might lead to certain cancer formation such as lung cancer, colon cancer, and even uterine cancer.