Excess sugar can give you a low immune system. [Photo/odessy]
There are some signs you might be eating too much sugar and they are important to know. Here are some important signs indicating it is time to cut on sugar consumption.
Excess sugar can cause premature agingConsuming too much sugar over a period of time can lead to long-term damage to the proteins that help your skin to stay youthful. Sugar also has the tendency to affect your hormonal balance and promote conditions like acne.CravingsYou would think that constant food cravings were a sign of not eating enough, but when it comes to sugar, your body gets used to having a ‘quick fix’ and therefore these cravings will occur not when you are hungry, but when you are low on the thing that you have become addicted to, in this case, sugar.Fluctuations in sugar levelWhen you eat sugar, there is an immediate energy boost because the pancreas releases insulin to transfer glucose to your body’s cells.However, once that sugar is used up, it demands more sugar and you crash.The more sugar you eat, the more pronounced these fluctuations will be.Random bloatingThe more you eat, the more undigested food there is going to be in your stomach and colon.Bad bacteria love to feast on these undigested sugars.Weak immune systemIf your diet is high in sugar, then your gut will be filled with more bad bacteria than good, thereby having a negative impact on your immune system.Signs of a weak immune system include falling prey to colds and flu, taking a long time to recover from an illness, and regular headaches.