Women find it hard to approach a man and open up with 'I like you, I love you, and I think we can talk". With men it is somehow easier because the society finds it normal for a man to make the first move, and not the other way round

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Studies have confirmed and proved, some ways which a women can use to attract him, your crush, so that at last it is him making the first move. You can as well act 'hard to get' after making him come your way

The following are bait traps that can work for most guys:

Eye contact and smile

Just compose your best ever smile and direct it to him. If you succeed to catch his attention, you are good to go.

Copy without forgetting to paste, his actions 

Just like politicians do "wakirusha, tunarusha, wakiapisha, tunaapisha" If he sips his beer, you do the very same with your 'fanta' ….

Lean forward towards him

This happens when you are sharing a table with him. Let him get used to your scent, let him feel your attentiveness to the scene……Be that woman in red

It is proven that men tend to like much women coming out in red. Before he starts focusing on your true colours, let his attentions come your way

Make use of your strong holds

Just like politics go hand in hand with strong holds, embrace the idea. If you have an ass or a waist to flaunt, then don’t hide it. Flaunt it. Guys love to watch a swaying body and that strut also conveys your confidence