Long distance relationships are simply not the best and they are the last thing anyone wants. Everyone wants to date someone they can see as often as possible which is not possible in long distance relationships.

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The challenges in these kinds of relationships are so many that they hardly work. Therefore, before committing your time and feelings to a long distance relationship, think twice about it.

Some reasons as to why long distance relationships never work include;

Financial constraints

Love is not about money but then it is a costly affair especially if you are in a long-distance relationship. To keep in touch, you will need to make calls, send messages or connect via Skype. You will also need to meet once in a while and all this requires money. What if both of you are students or jobless and have no money to help you keep in touch? It means there will be limited communication and finally no communication at all. Of course, a break up will follow suit.

Unsolved problems

You have an argument over the phone and still, want to solve it by phone? This will never work. Some things can never be discussed on phone or rather it is difficult to do it on phone. When both of you are together, it is easier to discuss your issues and reach a common ground.

Trust is lost

How do you just believe someone without even seeing them? Human beings are wired in such a way that they want to see before believing. When your partner is miles away from you, it is impossible not to think that they could be cheating on you. When both of you start thinking in this line, trust issues develop and where there is no trust, the relationship is doomed.

It's easy to cheat

When you have your other half around you, you will hardly think of any other person beside them. However, if they are far far away, you will be tempted to cheat on them. After all, they will not know or maybe they are also cheating on you.

Physical support

Even if your partner is only a call away and you can call them anytime you are depressed, it can never compare to if they were physically present. You will miss holding hands, a good hug when you are sad and their touch as well. If you miss their physical attention for so long, the flames of your love will slowly start to fade out.