Anyone can cheat in a relationship, it is a choice. However, some professions can put one under a hard situation that can lead to cheating willingly or not. Other professions can lead to one becoming a better partner in a relationship, and teaching brings out the best, here is why.

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Teachers are patient

A teacher meets every kind of students, rude ones, slow learners, intelligent students and a teacher is expected to give her best to all of her students for a better start of their lives. Teachers are patients as they wait until all students have improved from one level to another. A teacher will be patient also in a relationship.

Teachers are neutral

They do not discriminate their leaners, that is why the smart and dull students are put under one roof gave the same assignments to work on. A teacher will not discriminate your friends or family no matter how bad they are. They deal with children every day.

Teachers never lose temper

They get angry, yes, they are human beings, but they cannot do so to their students. Children always look up to the teacher and that is why teachers are good at controlling their emotions making them very likable for relationships and marriages.

Teachers are humble

They are sweet and always have a smile on their faces because children will talk and approach a smiley face. Even with masters and doctorate, a teacher will be homely to the people around him or her.

Teachers can settle anywhere

No teacher will say no to moving across half the country to a new home. This is because, there are always children born everywhere and they will go to school at some point in their lives, also, the passion of instilling wisdom and knowledge to many children cannot burn out.