There are many things that women do to enhance their beauty. Makeup is being used widely by women for various purposes. Women apply makeups during the day and wash their faces to remove makeups before hitting the bed.However, there are certain women who forget or just ignore to wash off their makeups before going to bed.

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These women risk the following effects on their faces sleeping with makeups:

Uneven skin toneSome makeup has a high SPF content (bleaching effects). They have the ability to partially bleach your face when left on the face for a long time. When you sleep with these makeups the whole night, they will cause unnecessary tanning of certain parts of your face. 

InflammationMost women apply eyeshadows and eyeliners. However, when they forget to clean them off before going to bed, they risk chemicals in these makeups blocking oil glands and hair follicles around their eyes. The end results will be a build-up of unwanted material around the eyes which stimulates the growth of bacteria.

RednessYour eyes will be affected by these makeups leading to their redness. Some makeups, when used for long hours, will irritate the eyes. Without regular changing of these makeups, they will result in the risk of corneal abrasions and redness. Also, makeups will not allow your skin to breathe hence redness of the skin.

Thinning of eyelashesWell, some women apply mascara on the eyelashes to make them look long and dark. However, when they stay with the mascara for long or even overnight, it will pull out some of her eyelashes reducing them around the eye.

AcneMost makeup women use are made of several chemicals and oils. Your face will react with these chemicals and oils leading to acne breakout. A woman will look like burned with steam and she will hate looking herself in the mirror.