A leader greeting his followers. (Photo/allafrica.com)True leadership is not a title, but words and actions portrayed by a person (leader). A true leader is that one person who will inspire others do extraordinary things they wouldn’t do on their own by conducting themselves in an acceptable manner. Here are simple qualities you will know true leaders with:

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Focuses on the good and bad

Great leadership will always inspire people to greatness. Congratulating the good work done will always motivate people working for you as their leader. More so, leaders should talk about failure but in the right way with the aim of correcting the mistakes. This will help people around you feel accepted and ready to work smart to avoid these mistakes, rather than navigating to suit your expectations.

Don’t use your title as leverage

True leaders will never inspire those under them through the hierarchy. A good leader will respect his/her title and work hard to make it an example to others. Any good leadership should give its people freedom of opinion in doing things other than it giving out orders.

Ask for assistance

In this life, no one is ever perfect. As a leader, asking for assistance in carrying out your duty will help make work easier where you get stuck. True leaders realize their mistakes and will take corrections appropriately as they come. Always be honest and admit where you need a helping be it financially, emotionally or professionally. Leaders who accept assistance will avoid mistakes.

Keep your word

True leadership is always about loyalty. Leaders should always work to fulfill the promises they made to their people. This will be a great sign of how much you care for your people. In return, your leadership will have a loyal group to work for you. If you can’t fulfill your promises always talk to your people about it in advance and promise to fulfill it in due time.

Economical consistency

A good leader will always keep records on daily basis keeping records will help know whether you making profits or making losses. Being economical consistent will help workflow smooth as people will know how to handle every situation differently to realize results. Leaders should set a fairground for their lesser to work comfortably.