It is always said 'once a soldier, always a soldier'. This is true, unlike the relationship saying 'once a cheater always a cheater'. 

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The swahili people say 'Mui huwa mwema," simply meaning, a person can change to suit the society. 

A serial cheater never think of becoming a faithful one, it takes much effort to change this type of a person.

Dr Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Professor Emerita of Psychological and Brain Sciences of UMass Amherst, outlines ways on how to spot the warning signs of a serial cheater:

1. He does not introduce you to anyone important in his life

People enter into relationships for different reasons, one being to settle down and end up in a marriage. It is, therefore, necessary for lovers to introduce their partners to friends, relatives and even parents. 

Those are good signs of a healthy relationship. "If he is not introducing you to anybody in his family or circle of friends, that is a good potential indicator," says Susan.

2. No regular communication

His communication is so poor, and when confronted over the same, he gives so many unrealistic excuses. 'Unexpected gaps in communication or being offline is going to raise a lot of questions about the intentions of this partner," says Susan 

3. He picks fights over everything

There is no long-lasting peace in the relationship. He causes issues now and then

4. He is so much concerned on how much money the woman make

A study carried out in 2015 showed men who earn much or less than their partners are likely to cheat. According to Dr. Susan, if he is earning much, he will cheat because he will be feeling superior. If he is earning less as compared to his woman, he will cheat because he will be insecure. 

5.  He does not feel guilty enough to admit he cheated

That is a sign he is used to cheating, unlike a guy who cheats for once, he feels guilty, sorry and is ready to ask for forgiveness.