Do you know who a womanizer is? Well, if you don’t know, a womanizer is that man who only dates women for sex and not to commit to a relationship. Spotting a womanizer is very difficult, as some men are taking up different behaviors when in different situations. However, some of their characteristics cannot be hidden.Here are five traits all womanizers will portray:

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Friends with many womenWomanizers react in a funny way when in the midst of women. For instance, when this man is in a party, he will make sure her talks to almost all women present. When he talks to a woman, he will always want to stretch his hand and touch her. His sexual advances will betray him when talking to this woman.

Ask for phone numbersWhat is the use of asking for her phone number? Well, men who always ask for women phone numbers are womanizers. You want her phone number so that you will ask her out and try to lure her into bed. That what these men who always want women’s phone numbers do.

Come in strongWomanizers are men who seduce women quickly. He doesn’t want you two to have time to know each other before dating. This man will rush you through things, and if you are 'loose' he will bed you before you know it. This will be the end of his chase after you.

He avoids taking you to his placeThere are many things that will make you doubt him. If a man is dating you and is reluctant to take you to his place, then there is a good chance he is hiding many things from you. A womanizer doesn’t want to take you to his place given he only wants to have sex with you and damp you.

He only calls at weird hoursA womanizer will only call you when he needs to be with you. When he is with another woman, he will not pick your call. Later, he might call and give you a weird reason for missing your call. This will happen for almost all days until when you will realize your position in his life and leave.