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While growing up, your parents might have told you something about love. There are, however,  others they never told you about.

These are some of the things you might have missed as far as love is concerned.

1. Your love won’t “fix” them 

Sometimes we think that our love alone is so powerful that we could move mountains, stop a wildfire, heal a broken soul. But although love can do incredible things, it can’t fix everything. If your partner is struggling with something; mentally, physically, emotionally, financially.  You alone cannot heal them, they can only do that themselves.

2. Sometimes you fall for the “wrong” person, and that’s okay

We all have ideas of how our perfect partners would be, but perfection doesn’t exist. For example, you’d never have expected that he’s 10 years older than you. We often find ourselves in situations that are less than ideal, but these experiences teach us some of the most important lessons.

3. You shouldn’t give up because of one mistake

Every relationship has its ups and downs, and we all make mistakes, so you shouldn’t quit as soon as things get tough. When you really love someone, you should fight to keep them around.

4. You have to know when to walk away

Although you might go through some rough patches and you probably won’t end a relationship because of them, you have to realize when it’s time to let go. If you’ve tried to work things out, but your partner hasn’t changed their actions, the love has faded, or you feel like you have nothing left to give, you might have to move on.

5. Love is not blind

Everyone has flaws, and your love for another person does not make them impossible to see. However, when you’re in love, you see each other’s faults, accept them, and help make each other stronger despite them.