Many things have been said about men from the Rift Valley. They are mostly known for their famous brown leather jacket aka ‘prown cheget’. Apart from athletics, Kalenjin men have ventured into several farming and business activities that bring them money. They make good husbands for any woman from any part of the country. 

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Here is what you should expect when you get married to a Kalenjin man:

Always takes care of kidsFor a Kalenjin man, his kids come first. He will always treasure and take good care of his kids. More so, no Kalenjin man will ever refuse a kid, as they consider kids to be a blessing in the family. 

No turning backOnce you get married to a Kalenjin man, there is no turning back. Kalenjin men don’t believe in breakups as solutions to relationship problems. Everyone in his family will always insist on this. Your relationship will always be there comes what may. 

His mother should always be respectedKalenjin men will always obey their mothers in every situation. Her mother’s orders and says are always respected and adhered to. To be safe in your relationship, always do as she says to be on the same page. The mother-in-law has a lot of say in your relationship than you think. 

You will never change himChanging a man from the Rift Valley could be a problem. No matter how hard you may try, changing him from his dress codes, language and what he believes in could be a hard task to undertake. They have always believed in what they do as being right. 

He will rule everything A Kalenjin man’s rules and orders in the family are final. He will decide almost everything in the house. Like mentioned above, changing what he believes in could be a hard task to undertake.
