Our bodies are made of various vital organs. The brain is one of the most important organ in the body. However, people are doing many things that cause damage to their brains. Here are five things that are damaging your brain daily:
No breakfastBreakfast is a meal you should never miss. If you have a habit of going without breakfast, then you are damaging your brain as this will give you a lower blood sugar level. People are encouraged to have heavy breakfast as this will help for the health of their brain and also help during their day’s activities.
OverreactingPeople react differently to certain situations. However, it’s totally discouraged to overreact to certain issues as this could damage your brain. When overreacting, the brain arteries harden, leading to a decrease in mental power.
Sleep deprivationHaving enough sleep is very good for your health. A normal person is supposed to have 7-8 hours of good sleep. More so, sleep allows our brains to rest. Going for long without enough sleep will cause damage to your brain cells, which will kill them.
Air pollutionHuman being are responsible for air pollution. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain. Lack of enough oxygen to the brain cells will make them struggle in performing their functions. Some cells will die in the process while others will under perform their functions.
SmokingSmoking is harmful to your health. Depending on what you smoke, your brain cells will be killed causing a deficiency in the brain. Heavy smokers expose their brain to damage as this will cause multiple shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.