It is not a guarantee that you will land your dream job immediately after graduating from the university like the few who are lucky to get their desired jobs after school. 

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Deciding to hang out or settle for bigger and better things can be a nightmare when you can't actually get your dream job. Below are few things to consider that may land you your dream job;

Qualify for the job

Miracles do happen and by this I mean you may land your dream job without the proper qualifications but to be on the safe side you have to attain the required qualifications for the job. 

Do whatever you have to do to get yourself into the position of getting the job and wait until opportunity knocks. 

Let your mind digest the bigger picture

This biggest thing in life is never losing sight in whatever you want to become despite the challenges. Keep your eye on the bigger picture and don't be discouraged going for a lesser option. Get your mind fixed on getting your dream job and you will surely get there. 

Arrange plans for the progress of your career

Achieving your dreams doesn't take sitting whole day thinking, it takes whole day planning. This means working out the steps you need to take to get yourself where you want to be. Once you have the image of your great future in your mind it becomes so hard for you to lose track. 

Perfect your job application

This is obvious, you don't have to be shoddy and ignorant when applying for your dream job. Make your life easy by being clear and exclusive when drafting your cover letter for job application. A simple spelling error and grammatical mistake is enough to fail you. 

Don't give up

Giving up should be the last thing in your mind. Never think of giving up when you know what you really want out of the air you breathe. If you truly want something to be the way you want it then you truly have to find a way, keep focused on your goal. Don't give up!