As you grow older and wiser, you realize how important genuine friendship is and you treating it as valuable as it is. While constructive friendship riddled with loyalty, honesty, consideration and generosity can build you up and make you a better person, the complete opposite can drain the life out of you leaving you miserable and wasted. The type of people you spend most of your time with are a clear reflection of who you are and can make or break you. Here are a few types of friends that you might want to weed out:
The secret hater
Commonly connoted as a “snake”, this person downright pretends to be your friend but in reality want the worst to befall you. They mask their true feelings with compliments and pretense happy looking faces, but are only with you for selfish strategic and convenient reasons. Always count on your intuition to reveal this people because it knows better.
The never growing up child
This person has zero know how of how to handle their emotions, conflict and disappointments. They resort to detrimental childlike mechanisms like tantrums and violence in dealing with situations and show no accountability whatsoever for their behavior while expecting someone else to cover them up. These type of friends should be sidelined until they learn to stand up for themselves like grown-ups and be responsible for their own actions.
The drainer
You feel totally spent after spending time with this person, both your energy and monetary wise. They regularly take advantage of your generosity in giving and give back very little or zero in return. The conversations you have with these type of takers always revolves around their problems and complaints. If you are always exhausted in any way after spending time with someone, just know they are not fit to be your friends.
The tracker
This type of person resents you if what they spent on you does not equalize what you give, they create mechanisms to ensure nobody gets more than what they give. You should shun this type of people because they clearly show that their giving does not come from a genuine place and are most likely close to you because of convenience purposes and not necessarily because they mean well.
The drama queen
Count on them to create a big deal situation out of petty and trivial things. They are always unhappy about something and someone is always to blame for their impediments and misfortunes and take everything personally.