Who does love hugs? Well, there are different types of hugs you will get from women. Not all the hugs have the same meaning. Before you comment on how she has hugged you, it is good to understand what she wanted to express. Here are five types of hugs and what they mean.

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1. Warm hug:  A warm hug is often associated with affection. Regardless of the relationship you share, this hug shows that the person cares about you in one way or another.  A warm hug not only makes women feel happy but also closer to men than ever. 

2. Polite hug:  The hug is commonly given during meetings, parties, events and special functions among other areas. The hug is commonly given for the sake of it and nothing else between the parties involved. 

3. Bear hug:  The bear hug is considered one of the best a woman can give a man.  Both partners are expected to move closer to each other until there seems to be no space. The closeness shows the strong bond shared between the persons hugging each other. 

4. Sleepy hug:  This is most loved hug among married couples. When she is tired and she wants to sleep, she may lean and doze off while on your shoulder or chest. The man has to hold her like a baby to make her feel the pleasure. 

5. One armed hug: Most men are not comfortable with this hug.  It is often associated with sadness.  A good number of women who gives this hug are uncomfortable. They find hugging a tough experience.