Ladies always complain about guys leaving them not realizing that they are the ones at fault.

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If you learn to avoid the following mistakes then you are going to make one of the most successful relationships.

Jumping the Gun

Revealing your feelings for him before he does is the most common and sad mistake ladies make every day. You have to understand and accept that guys need a challenge.

No matter how much you crave to tell him, you have to be patient and give him time to realize how he feels about you before you say anything to him.

Needing, Clinging, Chasing

This mistake is yet again based on the fact that guys need the chase. Do not blow up his phone with calls and texts, no matter how cute they are. Do not look for ways to bump into him 'accidentally'. And never call him or text him first after the first time you’ve had sex.

Bed Time

Sleeping with him too soon is still one of the worst dating mistakes women make all time. The usual outcome is never hearing from him again. You need your guy to be attached to you emotionally before you are intimate.


We are all controlled by our ego, but guys are especially tricky. Their ego is extremely sensitive to respect. You may not be aware of it, but you can make a guy feel unrespected, completely unknowingly. And if you do it all the time, it may be the reason you can’t keep a man.

Low Self Esteem

The way you think about yourself is the way others will think of you. If you put yourself down, focus on your flaws and your past mistakes, that’s how he will see you too. You don’t have to pretend to be someone other than yourself.