If you engage in running on a regular basis, it will reach a point where your main goal will be to run faster.

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However, running faster is not a simple task as many would think. One needs to be familiar with important tips that promote high speed. 

Here are five tips to help you run faster.

1. Strengthen your core

Strengthening your core muscles will allow you to have a smooth and fast run. Strengthening your core will help you in breathing better as you will have an improved running posture. Some of the exercises you should consider including in your routine are bicycle exercises and planks.

2. Run to the hills

During workouts, train yourself in hilly places. Try as much as possible to sprint when working out in a hilly place as this will make your speed develop.

3. Lose weight

To be able to run faster, watching your weight is one of the important things that one should do. Losing weight makes one lighter, thus enables you to run faster.

4. Focus forward

To be able to run faster, it is advisable to focus forward. Always look at where you are heading. Your speed can easily be affected when you allow your surroundings to distract you.

5. Pace yourself

Pacing yourself is another important key to gaining speed. Always pace yourself when running to be able to maintain the speed each time that you run.