Ugh! Its Monday again!

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People have the Monday blues apparently. If you think you are the one who hates Monday mornings, sadly, you are not alone.

Interestingly, you can be caught up in the Monday morning blues simply because everybody is. This can end up spoiling your beautiful day. It’s really absurd. Let’s be honest; It only takes one voice to change this culture of Monday blues. 

The following are four things you can do to do away with this negativity;

Prepare for your Monday on Friday

Your Monday? Yes, you read it right. You can decide to do away with the so-called Monday blues completely while everybody is still overtaken by this negativity. Before you leave your office on Friday, kindly do yourself a favour; Plan for Monday. Call yourself for a meeting and think of what is coming up the following week. If something can be done beforehand, the better. You will have a lighter weekend and a joyful Monday.

Adopt an after-work plan

If you are to beat the Monday blues, then you should know that it’s more of what you do when not at work than when you are. Plan your weekend schedule. Plan to visit a gym and sweat out, or even go out and eat and drink with friends. Do something that refreshes you. When Monday comes, you will be lighter and fresh to face it.

Do exercise

When you exercise, you release some chemicals that contribute to bringing about stress and anxiety. A short run can do. A gym work as well. 

Do what you love

Steve Jobs once said, “The only way to do great work is to love what you do…” this might be true, and for sure it can take you some time to be good at what you are not passionate with. If what you do at your workplace can't wake you up early, then you don’t love it.

Enjoy your week ahead. Won’t you?