Guavas are a type of tropical fruits that are very nutritious to the human body.
They contain antioxidants, vitamin C, potassium and fiber which are beneficial to people especially expectant women.
They have the following benefits to pregnant women;
Immunity booster
Having a strong immune system is the best thing in the human body because you rarely get attacked by diseases and infections. Guavas contain vitamin C which is good for the immune system. Eating guavas while pregnant can boost your immunity greatly.
Contains folic acid
Folic acid is essential to pregnant women. It helps in preventing birth defect and strengthens bones of the unborn child. Guavas contain folic acid which pregnant women are advised to consume as much as they can.
Pregnant women tend to suffer from constipation and other digestion related problems like bloating and hurt burns. Eating a guava can keep you at bay from this because of the fiber in it.
Balances your blood pressure
Most women when pregnant tend to have high blood pressure. This can be dangerous as it can cause a miscarriage or premature birth. Guavas keep blood pressure under control and prevent clotting of blood hence smooth blood flow.