Daystar University Vice Chancellor Professor Laban Ayiro presided over his first graduation ceremony after leaving his job as Moi University Vice Chancellor (VC) in controversial circumstances.

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Decked out in a graduation gown, the former Moi University VC expressed his joy at presiding over his first graduation ceremony at Daystar.

Prof Ayiro wished the graduands all the best as they exited the university in search of other exploits.

"I now want my graduands, the first lot that will carry a signature signed by professor Laban Ayiro to please stand. And this is my prayer for you. May your wishes always come true. May God always be with you. May your hands always be busy. May your feet always be swift. May you do for others so that they may also do for you. May you have joyful hearts always. May your song, the class of 2019, may your song be sang. And perhaps any wish anybody would wish you, and this is my wish for you, may you remain forever young, " Prof Laban Ayiro said.

During his tenure at Moi University, Prof Ayiro faced strong resistance from Uasin Gishu leaders led by Governor Jackson Mandago.

He was replaced by Prof Isaac Kosgey.

At Moi he embarked on an aggressive agenda aimed at transforming the Uasin Gishu-based university.