Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru has said that she is fully behind the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) report. Speaking at the Mama Ngina Drive in Mombasa, Waiguru said that Kenya is bigger than two tribes. 

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She said that it is important for leaders to back the report for the sake of the growth of the country. The Former Devolution Cabinet Secretary said that women should be included in the BBI recommendations.  She noted that it will take unity for the nation to work together before we realize development.

"When we expand the government I hope it will have inclusivity. Kenya is bigger than two tribes. When they expand at the top, we include women and have alternative gender. (Tukipanua Serikali naomba iwe na sura ya Kenya. Kenya ni kubwa kushinda kabila mbili. Wakipanua kule juu, tuongoze kiti ya kina mama. Vile vile tuweke alternative gender)" she said.

The county boss also said that the Mt Kenya region is fully behind the report. She warned leaders opposed to the report against spreading propaganda, adding that she is happy because of the handshake between Uhuru and Raila.

“One finger cannot kill a louse. That is why we should stand together with you and pass the bbi report. We are happy with the handshake between President Uhuru Kenyatta and ODM leader Raila Odinga (Kidole kimoja hakiweza kuvunja chawa, kwa hivyo tumesimama na nyinyi ndio tupitishe BBI... Tunafurahia handshake ya Rais Uhuru Kenyatta na Raila Odinga)” she said.

Speaking on the same platform, Bungoma Governor Wycliffe Wangamati said that he supports BBI because it supports devolution.  He argued all leaders should support the initiative for the sake of the development of different sectors of the economy.