Bloating is when your stomach feels swollen after eating. The main cause is production of gases when the digestive system fails to digest some nutrients in food.
This condition causes discomfort and uneasiness.
Below are proven ways through which you can fight bloating;
1. Avoid swallowing air and gases
Air and gases can be easily swallowed as you eat or drink. Carbonated drinks like sodas can cause bloating because they release carbon dioxide once they reach the stomach. Too much chewing of gums also cause bloating.
2. Don't eat foods that give you gas
There are a number of foods that produce too much gas in the stomach like beans and lentils. If you experience bloating after eating these foods, it is a warning that you should avoid them.
3. Try anti-bloating foods and drinks
A study found out that ginger, pineapples and yoghurts containing probiotics that can help fight bloating. Probiotics are bacteria that are good for the body. Try taking appropriate amounts of these foods and you could get relieved.
4. Avoid constipation
Too little fiber and lack of physical activity could lead to constipation which manifests through bloating. You cam avoid this by consuming whole grains and fruits which are high in fibre. Fibre aids digestion.
5. Take lots of water
At this time, water is very important in that it aids digestion. Usually, we feel bloated when the stomach fails to digest food faster. With enough water, the process becomes smoother.