Following the latest deadly Al-Shabaab attack in Somalia, former Lagdera MP Farah Maalim has called on Kenya to stand united and battle the assailants from all fronts.

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"My condolences to all those who lost loved ones in the Kismayu terror attack. I also pray for quick recovery for the injured. This is a tragedy that must unite all Somalis/neighbours of goodwill. YAA ALLAH reward the dead with Janatul Firdausa," maalim tweeted.

Among the high profile individuals who died in the attack is a Somali journalist, Jordan Naleye and her husband. Maalim described the journalist as a unique class of technocrats who meant the best for the war-torn Republic of Somalia.

"Shocked by the death of Hodan Naleye. She was in a unique class of technocrats who held on to the hope of stable Somalia. She sacrificed her life and that of her husband for motherland. Her sacrifice shall not be in vain. Somalia is rising &reaching for the skies. AS on backfoot!" he added.

Al-Shabaab has since claimed responsibility for the attack.