As students across the country started their Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations on Monday, there are already four new mothers among them.
The first is a student from St Mary's Ebusambe Secondary School which is located in Matungu Sub County.
She successfully delivered twins on Sunday before the actual day of examination.
Standard reports that journalists were turned away when they wanted to check on the new mother.
The other three candidates that received their bundles of joy on the examination day are doing their KCSE tests in Embu Level 5 Hospital.
James Kairu who is the Embu County Director of Education said that the three candidates will take their examinations in the maternal wing until they are discharged.
The three are from mount Kenya region; Embu, Kirinyanga and Tharaka Nithi Counties.
Kairu further noted that his team was ready with helicopters to distribute examination papers to areas with poor roads.
On the other hand, a boy from Koyonzo High School who had undergone a surgery last Friday was forced to stop English Paper 1 test after his conditions worsened.
The boy was accompanied by an invigilator to Capitol Hospital where he had undertaken the surgery.
He was treated and went on with the examinations.