Police in Athi River, Machakos County have launched investigations after a form three student from Katani Secondary School collapsed and died on Monday.
The girl is said to have collapsed while on lunch break.
The incident was confirmed by Athi River Deputy County Commissioner David Juma who said that the girl was pronounced dead on arrival at Katani dispensary.
According to Athi River Education Director Zipporah Kawira, the student did not have any health problems.
Kawira said that attempts to resuscitate her at the dispensary proved futile.
"It's unfortunate that today we lost a student. She was okay and was even playing with her friends. She suddenly collapsed and that's when the matron and teachers rushed her to a local facility," said Kawira as quoted by The Star.
The body of the girl was taken to the Kenyatta University mortuary for preservation before a post-mortem is conducted.
This comes after a form three student died while another sustained injuries after a school toilet collapsed at Muisuni Girls High School in Kangundo.
Students at the school were asked to go home to pave way for investigations. Only the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) candidates were allowed to remain at the school.