A family in Soit Oudo area, Makurian location, Laikipia North Sub County, is grieving after their 12-year old son was blown to death by a landmine.

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The sad incident occurred on Tuesday 31st of December 2019 when the deceased was looking after their cattle and accidentally stepped on the explosive device.

The device detonated when he stepped on it blowing him off to death on the spot. According to his elder brother, Bernard Kisier, the explosion tore his body apart.

“His body was ripped apart by the explosion…It is a very sad case indeed to the family and the community at large," noted Kisier.

Bernard Kisier who is deceased's elder brother noted that his father had earlier been injured by similar device some times back.

One of the residents said the landmines were left behind by the British Army who used to train in the area.

“In 1972, British Army Training Unit in Kenya (BATUK), camped at Kiwanja Ndege area in the neighbouring Mumonyot location and trained in Soit Oudo. They used to leave behind the landmines,” he said.

Leisiwa Lekesier, the late was a Grade Three pupil at Soit Oudo Primary School.

The body of the deceased was taken to Nanyuki Teaching and Referral Hospital mortuary.