Al-Shabaab militia on Sunday launched another attack in Mandera as the festive season gains momentum.

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The militiamen blew up equipment estimated to be worth Sh39.8 million. 

Police reported that the terrorists forced their way to Hagarsu in Bida sub-location at 2:45 am before they executed their mission. 

 The detectives said that the camp was being used to store machines meant for the construction of the Arabia-Mandera road. The machines had been moved to the construction site in September. 

The construction of the road had, however, been halted for various issues.

"The equipment belongs to Abdullahi Khalif who moved to the site in September when he stopped the construction of the road and abandoned them,” the police statement indicated.

The number of terror militia who staged the attack remains unclear. Police said that the guards who were manning the area decided to run away. 

The excavator is estimated at Sh20 million while the pressure pump is valued Sh800, 000. The militia also destroyed shifftoot roller worth Sh9.5 million and a flat roller machine valued at Sh9.5 million. 

The Mandera East DCI and Mandera OCS. Police have beefed up security at the camp after the incident. 

They have also launched a manhunt for the militia after the incident.