Police officers who will be found guilty of engaging in criminal activities will be dealt with as per the law, the National Police Service Commission (NPSC) has said. 

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Commission's Chairperson Eliud Kinuthia says there might be individuals within the police service who are misusing the profession.

Addressing media in Nakuru on Monday after paying a courtesy call to Rift Valley Regional Commissioner George Natembeya at his office, Kinuthia called on members of the public to stop tarnishing the whole service because of a few individuals.

He noted that already action has been taken against the officers who were arrested engaging in criminal activities.

According to Kinuthia, if the courts find them guilty, then the NPSC will interdict them from the service.

“When it comes to wrongs we deal with individuals and not the whole force and as we talk, already the Inspector General has acted on the officers who were arrested engaging in criminal activities,” he said.

Already the NPSC has launched a strategic plan for the financial year 2019/2022 that aims to transform the commission to better serve the human resource and welfare needs of police officers.

Most of the areas in the Strategic Plan have been addressed among them the welfare of officers. 

There has been a recent increase in cases of police officers being linked to criminal activiteis especially in maor towns.
