We all know it is not by will that we develop a crush on someone, and for this reason, it can still happen even when one is married.

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Unlike when you are yet to marry, developing a crush inside a marriage can be a bit hard and somehow a risk to your marriage.

You should note that it is almost impossible to stay without having a crush to another person besides your spouse if at all you are mingling with people, Unless your lifestyle is that of monk .

There some ways of dealing with a crush on someone when you’re married, here are some ways:

1. It will come to pass

This simply means ignore the crush and move on. In most cases, a crush on someone only last for about four months before it ends, beyond that it becomes another thing, love. 

Since you have committed your love on your spouse, probably after four months the crush will end.

2. Talk to your partner about it

Crushing on another person who is not your partner might imply you have reduced your closeness with your partner, you stopped doing what made your relationship fine among others. Talking about it with your partner will solve the crush.

3. Have a vivid distinction between reality and fantasy

It is obvious and pure reality you are married and committed to another person, and maybe the person you also crushing on is also a married man/woman, making it hard for the crush to become anything serious beyond fantasy world.