The recent Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) win in the Ganda by-election says a lot about area lawmaker Aisha Jumwa's popularity, political analyst Ambrose Weda has said.

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In the mini poll, ODM candidate Reuben Katana carried the day, beating independent candidate Abdul Omar, who was enjoying the support of Jumwa.

Weda on Wednesday said that ODM's ability to clinch the position is proof that Jumwa remains powerless in the area, despite being among the most vocal in the entire Kilifi county.

"She has made enough noise to an extent that she looks popular but it's clear that she herself is losing ground. Thinking that you are the god of the constituency is not right," he said on KBC English Service's The Big Conversation.

She said that the MP might have things even more rough in the future should she not reform.

According to him, Jumwa could be headed for more misfortunes, considering by that she is also in trouble with the authorities for allegedly storming Katana's function, resulting in a killing.

The commentator further observed that the MP is taking her feud with the ODM party too far.

"Judging by her misfortunes, her misfortunes are increasing. She might need to go to church and repent. She may have been wronged by ODM but she has no reason to run mad about it. She has run enough and talked enough," he added.