Nakuru artists and residents will from Tuesday to Friday this week be treated to play ‘Sarafina the Musical’ at the Nakuru Players Theatre.

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The Play is being staged by the Nairobi Performing Arts Studio with most artists from Nakuru expected to take part. 

The story highlights the struggle for freedom in Soweto, South Africa, during Apartheid just before Nelson Mandela was released in 1990 and Apartheid ended.

The reenactment of Soweto students’ militant resistance to the Apartheid system, iced by live music and splendid choreography, has attracted thousands to watch the award-winning production.

Having staged several shows at the Kenya National Theatre in Nairobi in the last two years, Nairobi Performing Arts Studio director Stuart Nash says it’s time to take the performance to counties.

Sheilla Mwavinya, who starred in Wanuri Kahiu’s film, Rafiki, beams the show as Sarafina with Helen Mtawali playing her mother. 

Martin Githinji acts as Constable Sabela, a home-guard-kind of villain who is eventually killed by Sarafina and other Soweto youth.

In an interview with Hivisasa on Monday, Nakuru County Gender, Culture and Social services Chief Officer Ms Tumme Abduba said; “The reason why we are staging Sarafina in Nakuru is to help revamp the Theatre where performing artists will have an earning. We also want to ensure the Players Theatre attracts even tourists who visit Nakuru where they can go join in the evening." 

The show that is being staged in Nakuru for the first time after Mombasa and Nairobi will attract many with tickets going for Sh1,000 (advance), Sh1,500(Gate), Group of 7 for Sh6,000 and Sh1,500 (VIP).

Last year, Nakuru Governor Lee Kinyanjui officially opened the Nakuru Players Theatre after months of renovation where a modern recording studio was set up. 
