Money management is an essential skill no matter much you make. You could be earning good money but you have nothing to show for it.
The following are some of the signs you have poor money management skills;
1. You buy everything you see
You are poor at managing money if you are the type of person that buys everything you come across as long as you find it good. Know how to differentiate between your wants and needs. Focus more on your needs because they are key in your life.
2. You spend to impress
Are you the type that goes to the club and spends a lot of money on drinks so that you can impress your friends and people at the club? Stop it! You are misusing money that you could use on important things.
3. You rely heavily on debt
Do you live on debts towards the end month? It could mean you don't know how to spend your money sparingly to sustain you through. Spend money well and you won't be looking for debts to survive.
4. You don't know where your money is going
If you don't know where your money goes then it is true you don't know how to spend your money. This is usually a sign of lack of planning as far as budgeting is concerned.
5. You avoid thinking about money
Money thoughts are actually the best your mind can give you. If you never think about money then you must be terrible with money. Thinking about money helps you find ways of using it sparingly, saving for emergencies and investing.