The Director of the National Irrigation Board Director Wambui Nyutu has weighed in on the wrangles in the governing Jubilee Party.

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Speaking on K24 Thursday morning, the former University of Nairobi student leader confessed that there were indeed divisions in the Uhuru-led party.

According to Nyutu, the divisions are stemming from people putting their own personal agendas ahead of the Jubilee Party agenda.

 "The Jubilee Party, my party, I think is going through a tough time because there are divisions and we may want to hide and say there is no division, but clearly there is division and this division is coming through personal differences. People have decided to put their personal agenda ahead of the party agenda and to me, that looks unfortunate, "Nyutu said.

Her words come in the context of growing factionalism within Jubilee Party with the so-called Kieleweke and Tangatanga groups trading harsh words publicly.

The Kieleweke group is seen as strongly opposed to the prospect of a Deputy President Dr William Ruto's presidency while the Tangatanga group is comprised of hardcore Ruto supporters.

Nyutu's remarks also come amid a back and forth over claims of an assassination plot against DP Ruto allegedly hatched by three Cabinet Secretaries.