Nutritional health is very important and it boosts the immune system of human beings. In fact, if you fully concentrate ob proper nutritional, then you will never find yourself visiting a doctor due to illness. The following are foods that you should eat daily for proper nutrition:
Fruits: This includes ripe bananas, oranges, apples, watermelons or even mangoes. They are best sources vitamins responsible for body immunity.
Tea: Always ensure you take at least 100ml of tea because it has various health benefits. It has a natural remedy for everything from cancer to heart disease. It also has Epigallocatechin gallate, a chemical that slows irregular cell growth, which could potentially help prevent the growth of some cancers.
Sukuma wiki: Many people have a negative attitude towards sukuma wiki. Please note that this is the most fundamental food that should never miss in your diet. The tough vegetable is high in nutrition, providing more antioxidants than most of the other classes of greens. It also contains fiber and roughage responsible for digestion and preventing constipation.
Ginger: This is a natural remedy for coughs, stomach upsets, and other inflammation. Therefore ensure you include it in your meals.
Broccoli: This food is packed with vitamins, minerals, disease-fighting compounds, and the fiber essential in any diet.It boosts the body's immune system.
Chia: Its seeds have lots of fatty acids than any other known plant. They are loaded with magnesium, iron, calcium, and potassium. All these minerals are essential for bones and teeth strengthening.