College life is all about having fun and discovering the new you! With no  parents around to dictate their fashion choices, students tend to go at little crazy.

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Here are 6 types  of college fashionists who are definitely in your class right now. 

1.Wannabe socialite 

She looks like she is about to be featured in a Diamond Plantinumz Video. She likes to flaunt her assets, 'knows' many celebrities, but don't expect her to say 'hi' to you at events. 

2.Little Miss Perfect

She is the one we all love to hate. Her hair is always immaculate, her clothes fit perfectly and everybody loves her. She always arrives in class on time, has well-written notes and is loved by lecturers, sound familiar? or is she you? 

3.The chameleon 

The chameleon leaves the house looking like Mother Teresa but arrives in school in scraps of material ready to flirty with all the guys.Look around, is she sitting next you? 

4. Young CEO

Making you look bad, the young CEO looks like she just dashed from a meeting or interview. She takes her classes seriously and is probably class president. 

5. The tomboy

she's definitely the loudest in every room. This is the girl who likes to wear loose fitting clothes, men's t-shirts and jackets. 

6. The queen B

She wouldn't be caught dead in a matatu she's only at school to please her rich parents in between shopping trips to Dubai. Her extravagant Instagram feed makes the whole class jealous.