Two women were on Friday arraigned before the Marimanti Law Courts in Tharaka Nithi County after they were arrested for circumcising each other.

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The duo, 27-year-old Winjoy Wanja and Julia Ngugi, 25, who are married to brothers told the court that they performed the act to save their children from a generational curse.

They claimed that ancestors left a curse threatening that all married women in their husbands' family must get circumcised failure to which their children will perish.

Wanja, a mother of three and Ngugi who has two children, said they were being haunted by the spirits of their husbands' great grandmother.

They claimed that the spirit appears to them every night asking them to choose between getting circumcised and losing their children.

The two argued that they chose to circumcise each other to prevent the death of their children.

"We decided to circumcise each other to avoid the death of our children," said Wanja.

They argued that their husbands remained mum about the curse, noting that they only learnt about it after they began been haunted by the spirits.

The suspects further told the court that their husbands were not aware of their plan to get the cut, adding that the spirit stopped tormenting them after performing the act.

"After we circumcised each other the spirit stopped haunting us," said Ngugi.

Senior Resident Magistrate Peter Maina ordered the suspects to remain in custody until November 14, 2019.