The current generation seems to be affected much with weight issues since they settle much in fast foods to 'save time'.
If you are obese or overweighing, it is high time you start a workout program to reduce your fats since it exposes you to diseases such as; high blood pressure, fatty liver disease, diabetes, stroke and cancer.
How can you know if you are overweight? These are the ways to know without actually taking Body Mass Index (BMI);
Snoring the whole night is a sign that you have sleep apnea. This is a condition that indicates you are overweight since the fats that have accumulated around the neck makes you breathe shallowly and irregularly with pauses.
2. Measuring your waist circumference
Since Body Mass Index (BMI) indicates the general weight of your body, measuring waist circumference will indicate specifically if you are overweight. High amounts of abdominal fats make the body to resist insulin which regulates glucose levels in the blood. This exposes you to heart attacks and diabetes.
3. Your back, knees and hip hurt
This is because the excess weight applies immense pressure on the joints leading to wearing of its tissues. This makes moving difficult.