700 youth from Kesses Constituency on Friday were awarded admission letters to pursue technical courses at Eldoret National Polytechnic.

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They will pursue courses in plumbing, joinery, plumbing welding among others courtesy of the area MP Dr Swarup Mishra.

 Speaking during the launch Kesses legislator Dr Swarup Mishra said his aim is to ensure youths get technical skills that will help them earn a living.

"My aim is to ensure youths are empowered with skills that will help them in being job creators than seekers," Dr Mishra said.

 During the event, Dr Mishra also launched the Kesses Strategic Plan which according to him will lay bare realistic objectives and goals that are in line with the constituencies vision and mission.

"It will also enable our constituents and stakeholders to foresee the future and to prepare accordingly thus proactively increasing the operational efficiency of Kesses Constituency," the Kesses first-term MP said. 

Dr Mishra also offered  230 driving licenses preceding free driving school training for youths and also donated  100 cows to women.

He reiterated that this is part of his continuous long term empowerment programs aimed at helping youths and women.

Chief guest senate speaker Ken Lusaka applauded Dr Mishra saying it will help youths get skills this employ themselves and reduce the rate of unemployment among the youths.